More than a vegetable chopper

Today, I have ham and beans with corn bread on my menu for supper. I know, middle of summer is not the best time to make this meal. The heartiness of this meal is more suited for fall or winter. However, I had a ham hock that needed to be used. So, its ham and beans with cornbread. I know my kids will complain, but in all honesty. They would complain if it was winter or fall.

Yet, I digress. So, back on track. Its always odd to me when I’m doing a mundane task and have a random revelation. This morning, that occurred to me. I was minding my own business when I realized something. Here is that story.

Making this soup is easy but a lot of chopping. It does take time to get the soup all in the crockpot. Recently, I hosted a Pampered Chef party. I’ve had a lot of Pampered Chef parties in the past but none in the last 5 or so years. Before, a friend’s mom sold Pampered Chef, so I hosted one every 6-12 months for her. So, need, I say, I had a lot of products. I certainly have favorite items. However, oddly, I didn’t have the hand chopper. So, this time, I purchased one.

Now, back to the soup. I put a lot of veggies in my ham and bean soup. I put carrots, onion, and celery. I pulled out the hand chopper and chopped away. Holy Moley. It made chopper fast and easy. Look at how amazing the vegetables were chopped. It seriously took less than 1/2 the time to chop them.

I loved it. I couldn’t believe how easy and fast it was. I also couldn’t believe I’d not purchased one before.

Now, my simple revelation isn’t the hand chopper- although it was pretty awesome. Its the fact that at the strangest times we find weird and random ways to improve how we are doing things. That we suddenly realize there’s a better way.

Isn’t that how life works? You are trucking along doing all the things. And, then something comes along and you’re like, why haven’t I been doing this all the time. I find it happens in all aspects of life. It happens with parenting, work, housework, etc. Sometimes its a handy tool (hand chopper) or a recommendation of a good friend. We are constantly learning and finding new things. And then, naturally, we wonder why it took us so long to get to this point of increased efficiency.

On the note of wanting to find new thing that are helpful and beneficial, tell me something new that you’ve found or learned that has helped you in some way. It doesn’t have to be in the kitchen. It could be a parenting trick or housekeeping trick. Really anything that you didn’t know but now makes life easier. Let’s learn together.

(Also, if you don’t have one of these, seriously, go get one.)

The Non-Hustle Life

This is something that has been on my heart and mind for a while now. Really, longer than I should admit. It become more apparent to me (or maybe just nagging me long enough) that I need to put it out there. I know I can’t be the only one feeling this. I know there is others out there feeling this way. So here it is. I despise the the #hustle.

Why do I despise it? It sets up an unsustainable life. It prioritizes not staying busy ALL THE TIME and deprioritizes resting. All of the pressure to be “killing it” at life/career/school is leading to increase anxiety and depression. It promotes working more hours. It tells us, exhaustion is good and a sign of a well lived life. It increases stress.

Why do I despise it? Rest is very important for us. Its important for us to be happy and healthy. We need to rest and recharge. It lets not only our body to feel better and stay healthy. But its also important for our minds to rest and not be “on” all the time. Rest allows us to connect to friends and family. It decreases stress.

I’m starting to work toward a non-hustle life. One that focuses on and promotes rest and spending time with family. One that promotes taking time to drink the cup of coffee on a Saturday morning instead of rushing out the door as quickly for our overscheduled life. I moving toward a well-lived life with family and friends now instead of hoping for it as a result of working hard. Yeah, I’m certain I won’t make as much money. I’m certain I will miss out on things. But, I don’t care. I’m making the choice to slow down.

New Year’s Resolution 2019

Its an end of a decade this year. Its amazing how much has changed in just 10 years. I went from a 30 year-old mom of one to now a mom of two with a new busy career. In the last 10 years, I’ve had my second child and completed graduate school. Our family has moved into a new house with a neighborhood full of kids. My daughter started junior high. Yup. Life has changed a lot in 10 years. Its busier but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I’ve skipped the last couple of years of resolution making. This year, I’m not skipping it. I do better when I have a resolution. A goal to work towards. Something to focus on. I also due better when I write it out. So, here I am. Typing away and setting some goals.


  1. Focused Energy:  As a mom and a primary provider, I am pulled in so many directions. So much, it can be difficult to really enjoy my time and to not feel distracted by the never ending “To do” list. I want to be present for those I am with and the tasks I am completing. This year. I will focus my energy on what I am doing. I will feel present in the moment. How I will do that, I am not sure. I will work on some specific goals the first few weeks of 2020.
  2. Weight Management: This is very important to me. If you read my previous post, you know I will be starting Weight Watchers. I will be working on diet first and then, once I feel stable, will work on exercise. I will write more focused goals on this in the first month of the year.

2020 Word: Mindfulness 

Definition according to Webster: 1 : the quality or state of being mindful. 2 : the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis also : such a state of awareness.

I chose this word for several reasons. I want to work on being more present and less distracted. I want to also practice mindfulness in my thoughts and the emotional effect of said thoughts. I have been more negative in my self-thoughts which I believe has impacted and assisted in my weight-gain.

Bible Verse of the year: Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7

I’m not a anxious person. I don’t typically sit and worry about things that may or may not happen. However, I do have worries about what I plan to do and accomplish next year in both work and home life. I worry about failing at weight-loss as I have in the last two years. I also worry about our finances. This Bible verse reminds me that I am lucky to have a God who cares for me. For ME. I have nothing to worry about as He will take care of things. It will be difficult for me as I do enjoy having control over things. Learning to let go and act in FAITH is difficult for me. I plan to use this verse to help guide me through my goals.

Have you set New Year resolutions? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Please share below.

Dear New House

Dear New House,

We’re very excited to have you join our family. We are, really. Even though we’ve only met you twice and the first time was just two weeks ago. We are anxious to make our relationship with you official. I hope this isn’t too fast for you.

It’s a bit fast for us. We had just started looking for you. My daughter is having some difficulty adjusting. You see, she loves the old house. Its all she’s known. She has so many memories with our old house. I know she’ll grow to love you too. I know the old house will soon become a memory. She is passionate and (sometimes) a bit stubborn. But until then, be patient with her. Be kind with her. And know. she will come around.

My son, he’s excited. I think you’ll find him a bit more rambunctious and easy going. He’s loved our old house too. Its also been the only house he’s known. But, he’s a bit more accepting to change. He will be teary, I’m certain with saying good-bye to the old house. And he’ll have days when he wants to go back. But I’m confident, he’ll be filling you with laughter and curiosity.

I and my husband are nervous. Anytime there’s such a large investment. We are get nervous because we too love this old house. We wonder, will the new be good for us? Will it be what our family needs? Will the neighbors accept us? Most importantly, will our children adjust?

So you see, we are very excited and a bit nervous to add you to our family. Thankfully we have a very short 1.5 months to adjust to the idea and say our tearful good-byes. We will be preparing and are looking forward to officially meeting you very soon.

Yours Truly,

A very excited (and nervous) future family

Everything to Everyone: the Curse

Hi. My name is Ruthie and I’m an exhausted mom trying my best to be everything to everyone. I am the mommie to two wonderful little ones who are active in sports and dance. I am the homework boss, snack regulator, grocery shopper, and home referee. I am classroom volunteer, fieldtrip driver, school board member, and cheerleader. I am the housekeeper and home chef. I could go on, but I’m sure you get it. I’m certain you feel my pain. You are in similar shoes.

We are moms. We are wives. We are employees. We wear many hats. And do many thankless jobs. We are the ones who everyone goes to to get things done.

So, what happens when we need a break?

This is exactly where I was last weekend. I needed a break. From Friday until Sunday, I had 2 dance practices, 2 soccer games, 1 dance picture session, and 1 school auction. Plus, I needed to move into my new office space. I felt pressured to attend all of these functions. with a smile on my face. You see, all of these activities needed me or at the bare minimum wanted me. But I felt EXHAUSTED thinking about the weekend. I needed a break. After working 40+ hours a week, I still had a crazy busy weekend to get through.

I silently rejoiced when it was too cold and snowy for soccer. It was one thing off my list. I opted out of attending the school auction. And you know, it was OK. The world didn’t end. Yes, some may have been disappointed. My kids for the cancelled soccer game and probably some people from the school since I typically attend the auction. And you know I and my kids had one of the best weekends we’ve had in a long time. We hung out and watched TV. The kids helped me move into my office without me feeling impatient and rushed. The kids played video games.

I gave myself a pass. You can too. You can take a deep breath and opt out of things. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You can pick and choose what you want to volunteer for. And, quite frankly what events you want to attend. ITS OK. Give yourself permission. Because, when you slow down you win. Your kids win. Your family wins. And, that’s more important than anything else in this world.

Trying to be everything to everyone is a curse. Its not realistic. It won’t make you happy. Volunteer and do things you want but also give yourself a break. Accept being able to take a break and just enjoy life with your family. Sleep in. Break that curse.

(This post was shared HERE where you can find blog posts from other encouraging posts.)

A Mid-life Crisis of a Different Sort

Well, sadly, I must admit I’m at the age when it may or may not be acceptable to have a mid-life crisis. I’ve reached the age, I feel like I’ve got life pretty much figured out. Life is pretty routine. We’ve met the adult right’s to passage: marriage, full-time jobs, kids, mortgage, etc.

So, a mid-life crisis is acceptable now, right? Well, I don’t know about acceptable, but its been an ongoing conversation between myself and my husband. The “mid-life crisis” we talk about isn’t the typical. No, we don’t talk about getting a divorce and marrying younger spouses or buying that fancy sports car or even plastic surgery to look younger.

Our mid-life has us evaluating the difference we are making in the world. Are we really making an impact on it or are we just living day to day? How does our job help with that?

Part of my re-evaluation had to do with my job. Working for the “man” and making a big company wealthy and seeing very little of the wealth trickle down to its employees who do the work, isn’t what I want. I don’t want to be a disconnected voice at the end of the telephone receiving the verbal abuse from dissatisfied individuals. I don’t want that anymore. That change isn’t BIG enough for this mid-life crisis.

I think my mid-life crisis started 2.5 years ago when I enrolled for nurse practitioner school. We had to write an essay which included an explanation why we wanted to be a NP. I simply said I wanted to give back and provide quality care to some of the most needing individuals. That essay, I believe started my re-evaluation of my goals and what I wanted to accomplish.

And so, here I am, in my mid-life crisis looking for ways for our career, our life-work to mean more than making someone rich or an accumulation of things. I want to feel like what I do, means something. That this little God-given life is used for a GREATER good.

Currently, I’m processing what this looks like. I’ve got questions to ponder. How and what beyond my recent education and career change, can I do to make the world a better place. What have you done? What should I consider? Where do I go from here.

As I’m working through my mid-life crisis, I may came back here to write about it. If I do, assuming I do, I’ll start it as a series. But feel free to comment and let me know what your non-typical mid-life crisis looked like.

Have you ever….

My kids like to play the game, would you rather. Its a simple game where one person asks would rather A or B. For example, one of the questions yesterday was, “Would you rather eat boiled snake or fried frog legs?” Its a silly game and it occupies them.

As I sit on this hot Friday morning, drinking my smoothie and considering what we are going to do today, my mind wanders. I promised the kids an adventure today. And seriously, the only thing I can think of is going to Target. And that I want coffee. But I’m feeling lazy so my coffee is still in ground form sitting in its k-cup waiting on hot water. I need to come up with something other than Target. Because if I don’t, the kids will grow-up with a misunderstanding of the word “adventure” and (probably more likely) stop believing me when I say we are going on an adventure.

My mind has taken me to the thought, which I frequently go to when I’m bored with the mundane of modern society, of living off the grid and off the land. You see, I have the crazy romanticized thought that living off the land would be great. The sense of hard work and purpose guiding everyday. No noise from the electronic age replacing conversation. No pressure of being good enough or feelings of parenting failure. Because, seriously, surviving trumps all thoughts.

I have this desire of being self-sufficient and not needing to go to the grocery store. Growing all my food, hunting, chopping wood for a fire. Everyone sitting around in the evening and enjoying each others company. It kind-of sounds like a life-long extreme camping trip.

Then I’m pulled back into reality by the thought of no toilet, predators, and the reality that I’m too “soft” to really live that life. I have no idea how to really hunt or “clean” an animal safely to eat. I’ve gotten to use to my over-priced coffee, leggings, and air conditioning. But, its good for a day dream.

And now, I need to find some sort of an adventure for my kids to go on.

My question to you is, have you ever thought of living a simpler life? Living off the land or maybe something different? When you get lost in your thoughts, where do you go?

I’d love to hear from you.

Little Impressions

You ever have one of those moments when your kid says something that just hits home with you? I had that moment this weekend. We were in the car going from one activity to the next when the conversation started. I love talking with my kids in the car. None of us are going anywhere. We’re all stuck in a small space which encourages all sorts of conversations. I’ve seriously had some of the BEST conversations with my kids in the car.

But back to the specific conversation this weekend.

Darling Daughter: I’m so glad you and Daddy are friends and like each other.

Me: Of we course we’re friends!

Darling Daughter: Yeah. I’m also glad you’re friends with Little Ducky’s mommie and daddy. (Little duckie is a baby who goes to our church. She was dressed as a duck last Halloween and hence forth is called Little Duckie by my kids).

I’m so glad you and Daddy are friends and like each other.

Wow. That hit home. My little 8 year-old notices a lot. I’ve always known without a doubt she and her brother know they are loved by their parents and each other. I’d always said kids pick-up on things even when parents are trying to hide it. I’d say that, because I’d learned that in school. I’d say that because I knew kids often, without thinking, share how their parents fight or when money is tight. But for some reason when it came out of her mouth, it really hit home.

I’m so glad you and Daddy are friends and like each other.

Such simple words made a huge impact on me. Yes, my husband and I love each other. Our marriage isn’t perfect. He annoys me sometimes, I annoy him sometimes. I can HONESTLY say we don’t really fight. We bicker every once in a while. But that’s not common at all. We have this MUTUAL respect for each other. We try very hard to talk things out before they become a BIG issue. I pray everyday that we can continue to do this. That we can WORK together to continue to build a wonderful marriage.

We’re not PERFECT. At all. But we sure do work hard at this thing called marriage. We don’t put on a face for the kids. We are real. We work hard to do family things together. My husband and I laugh together, tease each other, and work through things. All in front of our kids. They see us having a good time and problem solving together.

I never realized those little things, impressed on her. But she noticed.

Mommie and Daddy are friends. They like each other. 

What are your kids noticing from you? What do they think of your relationship with your spouse?

A Wild and Crazy Year

So this year has been beyond crazy and stressful. It’s also been an amazing year of growth for me. This year will be know as the year I tested myself and pursued a dream. It will also be know as the year of death and sadness.

In the spring, Joe, my father passed away. It was such an odd emotional experience for me. I and my father had a strained relationship to say the least. We spoke minimally and only when it revolved around my mom’s care. I was saddened because of the loss of a relationship that will never be. I was sad because, part of me, really wanted resolution to some of our issues. I knew our relationship would never be close and he would never be in my children’s lives. But I wanted to feel like if we saw each other in public or at an event, we’d acknowledge each other. That was now never going to happen. I also found myself very angry. I was angry when people told me he was a wonderful man.

Approximately two months after his passing, I started a nurse practitioner program. The decision to pursue my NP has been one I’ve wrestled with for a while. I prayed about it, and ultimately decided it was a good time to go back. The summer classes were killer, Advance Pathophysiology and Healthcare Statistics. This second semester has been much better. I have my MSN so I had some ideas on how this would play out, but seriously, there’s a reason people do this when they’re younger!

Then basically 5 months to the date, my mom died. I was surprised. I and my mom were close. We talked weekly and I managed all of her medical needs. I arranged everything for her. She was living in a nursing home and had been on hospice 5 years ago. Her health had been good for the most part. But cognitively she wasn’t there. Even though it had been a few years since she recognized me as her daughter, she always knew I and my children were important to her. Despite feeling like my mom had left years ago, I was still very emotional about my loss. Even now, months after she’s been gone, I find myself wishing she was here. I’m not sure that will ever go away.

Since the death of my mom, I’ve also had the death of an aunt on my father’s side and a dear friend from nursing school. So, as you can see this year has been a challenging one. I, however, view life as a chance to grow and learn. I know I could easily look at this and dwell on all the stress and problems. However, I refuse to do this. I will stay positive and focus on the amazing things going on in my life.

Bucket List

It’s funny how life changes. In college back when I was twenty-something, we had to make goals. 1, 5, & 10 year goals. To be honest, I have no idea exactly what I put on my goals. I am certain where I am now is not where I thought I’d be in my my twenties. Not that where I am or where I thought I’d be is bad. It’s just, different.

In my twenties, I thought by now professionally I’d be someone important. I envisioned me running a hospital, I seriously wanted to be the nurse making the BIG decisions. I was undecided about children but given my career thoughts, raising children wasn’t really on my radar. Being married was though. I also imagined a well-traveled woman would be looking back at me in the mirror. I was also 100% certain I’d have a large house that included a pool. I was after all someone important professionally.

Go back a few years into my teens, I envisioned a much different woman. I lived in some remote place that had mountains in the background.I owned about 5 dogs. I was financially sound and didn’t have to work- how in the world that happened, I have no idea. I had no children and no kids. My skin was weathered from spending most of my time on the land and hanging out with my dogs. I pretty much was pioneer woman meets hippie.

Fast forward to today. I’m still in nursing but didn’t climb any ladders. I’ve done just about everything a nurse can do. I’m now working from home and going to school part-time. I have two wonderful children and a pretty great husband. We own a house but it’s modest and (sadly) without a swimming pool. I have traveled in the US and have made one trip abroad.

As you can see, my life is very different from anything I could imagine. Its good and better than I could imagine. I couldn’t imagine being a cooperate person or not having kids. Although, I’d gladly move into the country and have a couple of acres and the pool, I don’t really want to be either of those women I’d imagined in my youth.

There are still hopes and dreams from my youth that I’d love to fulfill. And a few things I’ve added as I’ve gone. So, I’ve decided to publish my bucket list. I may never get to everything on this list and some I’ve checked off. But, if I’m able, these are the things I want to accomplish. I think all imaginary and real forms of myself would be happy with this list.

My Bucket List

1) Live in another state

2) Visit a country that doesn’t speak English

3) Visit a country that does speak English

4) Own land

5) Obtain an advanced degree- working on my 2nd advanced degree

6) Save a life

7) Ride Ragbrai

8) Complete a marathon

9) Witness the beginning and the end of life

10) Become fluent in a second language

General Life Goals (Because these don’t fit on a bucket list):

1) Be a good mom

2) Be a good wife

3) Be a good friend

4) Be compassionate

5) Know when to walk away

6) Know when to stand up

7) Remember there’s more to this life than life

8) Always have integrity

9) Ensure other’s have enough

10) Be generous